Free Fleet Assessment
Custom Analysis for Electrifying Your Fleet
Driving savings and sustainability
Ameren Illinois is offering a free Fleet Assessment to help you weigh options for adding electric vehicles (EVs) to your business now or in the future without obligation. Our experts can help you assess the fleet electrification path that might be most beneficial for you. This program is available for a limited number of customers.
The assessment incorporates a wide array of data in developing a custom case for integrating EVs into your fleet. The confidential assessment process incorporates your corporate fleet information and delivers a custom report on how fleet electrification might impact your business. Topics covered include, among others, total cost of ownership, financial payback timeframes on EV-related investments, and emissions impacts.
Dedicated expert support and consultation on fleet electrification options
Free, custom report on converting your existing fleet to electric
Strategic conversion plan
Cost-benefit analysis
Detailed information on comparative vehicle costs, charging requirements, fuel and
maintenance savings, and emissions impacts
Company-specific fleet requirements including vehicle needs, annual mileage, and
charging requirements
Contact information, including your Ameren Illinois account number, and electric rate class
Current fleet composition and vehicle replacement strategy
Fleet operation requirements
Preferred EVs for fleet use
Charging requirements
Electrify Your Fleet - Potential Benefits
Total Cost Of Ownership
Charging Flexibility
Sustainability &
Quiet Operation
Improved Driving Experience
Using Your Custom Fleet Assessment
The Fleet Electrification Assessment Tool (FEAT) will help you evaluate the benefits of electrifying your fleet, based on your company’s specific needs.

FEAT generates scenarios that factor in variables including electricity prices, fuel costs, and operations and maintenance expenditures:
- Base: Forecast reflects current, constant market conditions
- EV-Centric: Forecast trends favorably towards EVs
- ICE-Centric: Forecast trends favorably towards internal combustion engine(ICE) vehicle

FEAT forecasts demonstrate potential business impacts over 5 – 20 years.
Ready To Receive Your Free Assessment?
For questions, contact, ElectrifyIL@ameren.com
Visit us for more information about our EV programs: AmerenIllinois.com/EV